Saturday, December 25, 2010

Other SLAM Algorithms: CoreSLAM, Part 2

I've now get the Monte Carlo Localization turned on, map publishing working in ROS, and a number of parameters defined. This required some hacking of the CoreSLAM library, in particular I removed all of the references to differential drive odometry, instead loading odometry externally from TF.

Here's an updated map using the 12-12-neato-ils bag file:

There's still some work to fix the way that the map->odom transform is handled, and allow a configurable map size and resolution (both of which will require reworking some more of the underlying library). I'm hoping to have the code released shortly.



  1. This sounds like really cool work. Sorry for being slow but what is "TF" ?

  2. TF is the transform system that is integrated into ROS -- it allows you to easily track the relations between the many coordinate frames often found in a robot.

    See for more.

